Best Coworking Datasets & Databases

What is coworking data? How can you utilize it? Discover the top datasets and databases for analyzing coworking spaces. Find comprehensive information on coworking space databases and access valuable coworking data on more
1 Result

Coworkintel⎢Coworking Industry Trend Report⎢Data for Europe & North America

No individual cowork data is displayed in a Trend Report.
Available for 249 countries
5 years of historical data
Starts at
$100 / purchase

More Coworking Data Products

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10K Images with Annotations
100% Quality assurance
240 countries covered
We collect images of Damaged cars from around the world and create a custom annotations on those images for our customers. Annotations can be customized as ...
97% Success rate in real-time
245 countries covered
Bright Data’s eCommerce data collector is designed to help your business drive sales and gain advantages. This tool enables you to crawl marketplaces, compet...
3K + merchants
99% % high precision tagging, 600 tickers
USA covered
Envestnet®| Yodlee®'s Tourism Transaction Panels (Aggregate/Row) consist of de-identified U.S. consumer credit/debit/ACH transaction level data, offering a w...
300M Consumers
70% Over 70% match rate
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Versium REACH B2C adds consumer demographic data to your list of customers or prospects.
USA covered
Versium REACH B2C adds consumer demographic data to your list of customers or prospects.
4B online engagements flagged
100% engagement flag accurcay
USA covered
CWN Online Actives sourced from online consumer engagement and transaction data contains a key set of Audience Data individual active consumer attributes tha...

Where can I buy Coworking Data?

Data providers and vendors listed on Datarade sell Coworking Data products and samples. Popular Coworking Data products and datasets available on our platform are Coworkintel⎢Coworking Industry Trend Report⎢Data for Europe & North America by CoworkIntel.

How can I get Coworking Data?

You can get Coworking Data via a range of delivery methods - the right one for you depends on your use case. For example, historical Coworking Data is usually available to download in bulk and delivered using an S3 bucket. On the other hand, if your use case is time-critical, you can buy real-time Coworking Data APIs, feeds and streams to download the most up-to-date intelligence.

What are the most common use cases for Coworking Data?

The top use cases for Coworking Data are Real Estate Intelligence.