Best Alibaba Datasets & Databases

What are Alibaba datasets? Discover the various categories and sources of Alibaba data and learn how to effectively analyze it. Find the best data sources for Alibaba datasets and purchase the desired data on more
1 Result

Alibaba(Tmall&Taobao) sales Raw data

sales qty, product name,category name, *All industries in Chinese Ecommerce market 100 million rows data
Available for 1 countries
3 years of historical data
Pricing available upon request

More Alibaba Data Products

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10K locations
100% quality controlled
249 countries covered
AWIS Weather Services houses, maintains, and constantly updates an extensive database full of Climate and Weather Data. We offer a LIVE Weather Data Feed tha...
40K Zipcodes
100% quality checked
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AWIS Weather Services houses, maintains, and constantly updates an extensive database full of Climate and Weather Data. We offer a LIVE Weather Data Feed tha...
30K forecast locations
100% Quality Forecast Data
249 countries covered
AWIS Weather Services offers location specific Daily Forecast Variables including Temperature, Precipitation, Cloud Cover, Soil Temperature, Solar Radiation,...
6 variables
100% accurate
USA covered
AWIS Weather Services houses, maintains, and constantly updates an extensive database full of Climate and Weather Data. Since January 2022, we have added Lig...
30K forecast points
100% Quality Checked by humans
249 countries covered
AWIS Weather Services offers location specific Hourly Forecast Variables including Temperature, Wetbulb Temperature, Dewpoint, Wind Chill, Heat Index, Precip...
4B online engagements flagged
100% engagement flag accurcay
USA covered
CWN Online currently Active Individuals comprised of active consumer engagement & transaction data by specific Brand. ConsumerWatch Network (CWN) leverages c...

Where can I buy Alibaba Data?

Data providers and vendors listed on Datarade sell Alibaba Data products and samples. Popular Alibaba Data products and datasets available on our platform are Alibaba(Tmall&Taobao) sales Raw data by Gaus Data.

How can I get Alibaba Data?

You can get Alibaba Data via a range of delivery methods - the right one for you depends on your use case. For example, historical Alibaba Data is usually available to download in bulk and delivered using an S3 bucket. On the other hand, if your use case is time-critical, you can buy real-time Alibaba Data APIs, feeds and streams to download the most up-to-date intelligence.

What are similar data types to Alibaba Data?

Alibaba Data is similar to Amazon Data, Amazon Sellers Data, Bigcommerce Data, eBay Data, and AliExpress Data. These data categories are commonly used for Market Research and Ecommerce Intelligence.

What are the most common use cases for Alibaba Data?

The top use cases for Alibaba Data are Market Research, Ecommerce Intelligence, and Market Share Analysis.