What is Electric Vehicle (EV) Data? Best Datasets & Databases 2024

What is electric vehicle (EV) data? How can you utilize it? Discover the top data sources for electric vehicle datasets and purchase valuable data on Datarade Marketplace. From electric vehicle datasets in specific regions to global EV data, find the most comprehensive and up-to-date information to enhance your understanding of the electric vehicle market. Stay ahead of the competition with reliable and accurate EV data.

What is Electric Vehicle (EV) Data?

Electric Vehicle (EV) data is information collected from electric vehicles, such as battery status, charging patterns, energy consumption, and vehicle performance. This data is gathered through various sensors and systems installed in EVs and can be used for analysis, optimization, and decision-making related to electric vehicle charging infrastructure, grid management, and overall EV performance. Electric Vehicle Data is used for various purposes such as optimizing charging infrastructure, analyzing vehicle performance, predicting battery life, and developing smart grid solutions. In this page, you’ll find the best data sources for electric vehicle datasets, EV database APIs, and electric vehicle charging datasets.

Data Specialist Lucy
Lucy Kelly
Data Specialist

Best Electric Vehicle (EV) Data Databases & Datasets

Here is Datarade's curated selection of top Electric Vehicle (EV) Data. These trusted databases and datasets offer high-quality, up-to-date information.

Start icon5.0(1)
Starts at
$22,800 / purchase
Free sample preview

Satellite Electric Vehicle Dataset (TESLA,LUCID, RIVIAN

Available for 2 countries
6 years of historical data
Starts at
$30,000$27,000 / year
10% Datarade discount
10% revenue share

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations POI Data for Republic of Moldova

Available for 1 countries
150 EV Stations
2 years of historical data
95% location precision
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Yearly License
Starts at
$5,000 / month
Free sample preview

EVSE Electric Vehicle Charging Station Metadata for United States and Europe

Available for 38 countries
250K chargers
3 years of historical data
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Pricing available upon request

IRIS® by Dataforce - International Vehicle Registration Information System for Automotive Market in Europe

Available for 64 countries
1M records
20 years of historical data
100% accuracy
Starts at
€500 / purchase
Free sample preview

EVSE Electric Vehicle Charging Daily Utilization Data for United States and Europe

Available for 38 countries
250K chargers
3 years of historical data
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Starts at
€500 / purchase

EVSE Electric Vehicle Charging Session Data for United States and Europe - Minute by Minute

Available for 38 countries
250K chargers
3 years of historical data
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License

Electric Vehicle (EV) Data Explained

Electric Vehicle (EV) Data Use Cases Explained

1. Fleet Management and Optimization

Electric vehicle data can be utilized to optimize fleet management operations. By collecting and analyzing data such as vehicle location, battery status, charging patterns, and driving behavior, fleet managers can make informed decisions to improve efficiency and reduce costs. This includes optimizing routes, scheduling maintenance, monitoring battery health, and identifying opportunities for charging infrastructure expansion.

2. Energy Grid Management

EV data plays a crucial role in managing the impact of electric vehicles on the energy grid. By monitoring charging patterns, energy demand, and grid capacity, utilities can better plan and manage the distribution of electricity. This data enables utilities to balance the load, avoid peak demand surges, and optimize the integration of renewable energy sources. Additionally, EV data can help identify potential grid upgrades and infrastructure requirements.

3. Vehicle Performance and Maintenance

Electric vehicle data provides valuable insights into vehicle performance and maintenance needs. By analyzing data related to battery health, charging patterns, and vehicle diagnostics, manufacturers and service providers can optimize vehicle performance, predict maintenance requirements, and enhance overall reliability. This allows for proactive maintenance scheduling, reducing downtime and improving the lifespan of EVs.

4. Charging Infrastructure Planning

EV data is essential for planning and optimizing charging infrastructure. By analyzing data on charging station usage, location, and demand, stakeholders can identify areas with high charging demand and strategically deploy charging stations. This helps ensure convenient access to charging facilities, reduces range anxiety, and promotes the adoption of electric vehicles.

5. Insurance and Risk Assessment

Electric vehicle data can be utilized by insurance companies to assess risk and determine insurance premiums. By analyzing driving behavior, vehicle diagnostics, and battery health, insurers can tailor insurance policies based on individual usage patterns and risk profiles. This promotes fair pricing and encourages safe driving practices among EV owners.

6. Research and Development

Researchers and policymakers can leverage EV data to gain insights into the adoption and impact of electric vehicles. By analyzing data on charging behavior, driving patterns, and environmental factors, researchers can evaluate the effectiveness of EV policies, identify barriers to adoption, and develop strategies to accelerate the transition to sustainable transportation.

7. Smart City Integration

Electric vehicle data integration with smart city infrastructure enables various applications. By combining EV data with traffic management systems, parking guidance, and public transportation networks, cities can optimize traffic flow, reduce congestion, and enhance overall urban mobility. This integration also facilitates the

Common Attributes of Electric Vehicle (EV) Data

Electric Vehicle (EV) Data encompasses a wide range of attributes that provide valuable insights into the performance, usage, and characteristics of electric vehicles. These attributes may include information such as vehicle identification number (VIN), battery capacity, charging time and location, energy consumption, driving range, vehicle speed, acceleration, regenerative braking, temperature, location data, vehicle type, manufacturer, model, year, and various sensor data. Additionally, EV datasets specific to India may also include attributes related to government incentives, charging infrastructure, electricity tariffs, and emissions. Here’s a table of the main attributes you might find on Electric Vehicle (EV) Datasets.

Attribute Description
Vehicle ID Unique identifier for each electric vehicle
Timestamp Date and time when the data was recorded
Battery Level Current charge level of the vehicle’s battery
Charging Status Indicates whether the vehicle is currently charging or not
Distance Traveled Total distance traveled by the vehicle
Energy Consumption Amount of energy consumed by the vehicle
Charging Time Duration of time the vehicle was connected to a charging station
Location GPS coordinates indicating the vehicle’s location
Speed Current speed of the vehicle
Acceleration Rate of change of the vehicle’s speed
Temperature Ambient temperature around the vehicle
Voltage Voltage level of the vehicle’s battery
Current Current flowing into or out of the vehicle’s battery
Power Power consumption or generation of the vehicle
Efficiency Energy efficiency of the vehicle
Trip ID Unique identifier for each trip made by the vehicle
Driver ID Unique identifier for the driver of the vehicle
Charging Station ID Unique identifier for the charging station used by the vehicle
Weather Conditions Current weather conditions at the vehicle’s location
Road Conditions Current road conditions at the vehicle’s location

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I buy Electric Vehicle (EV) Data?

Data providers and vendors listed on Datarade sell Electric Vehicle (EV) Data products and samples. Popular Electric Vehicle (EV) Data products and datasets available on our platform are Xtract.io - Point-of-Interest (POI) Data - US - Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations Data - with custom, on-demand metadata and attributes by Xtract, Satellite Electric Vehicle Dataset (TESLA,LUCID, RIVIAN by Space Know, and Electric Vehicle Charging Stations POI Data for Republic of Moldova by Royal Map.

How can I get Electric Vehicle (EV) Data?

You can get Electric Vehicle (EV) Data via a range of delivery methods - the right one for you depends on your use case. For example, historical Electric Vehicle (EV) Data is usually available to download in bulk and delivered using an S3 bucket. On the other hand, if your use case is time-critical, you can buy real-time Electric Vehicle (EV) Data APIs, feeds and streams to download the most up-to-date intelligence.