Think Data Group

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National US database of Ownership data for all residential and commercial properties in the US.
United States Minor Outlying Islands covered
Powered by M1 Data, Experience Automotive In-Market Propensity to Purchase VIN Data with best-in-class data hygiene practices. Analyzing ...
155M Automotive Records
100% VIN Coverage
10 countries covered
42 years of historical data
M1 Data & Analytics' Automotive Conquest VIN Data: Reliable first-party insights for superior audience targeting and data enrichment in t...
155M Automotive Records
100% VIN Coverage
10 countries covered
42 years of historical data
M1 Data' EV Charging Station dataset captures mobile devices at charging stations. Designed to pinpoint custom audiences and to plan futu...
6.5K Charging Station Locations
2 countries covered
42 years of historical data
Gain access to Insightful information to effectively segment homeowners BEFORE they begin the listing process. Reach millions of indiv...
136B Individual Data Points
USA covered
40 years of historical data
Leading healthcare information data. 137 healthcare job functions and categories. Pricing, US hospital data, US Outpatient data and Resid...
416M Email Contacts
USA covered
Founded in 1998, BPES, based outside Philadelphia, is a leading company in the waste management and equipment rental markets across the U...
35K Job Sites
2 countries covered
5 years of historical data