CropProphet Competitors & Alternatives

Looking for the best Agricultural Data provider for your business? Better play the field. Discover data-driven solutions for Agriculture Management and Crop Monitoring. Find reviews for CropProphet left by Datarade users, and compare CropProphet’s data products and performance to the most popular competitors and alternatives. FarmersEdge, CustomWeather, Doktar, and Marcus Weather are the top competitors and alternatives to CropProphet.

Top Alternatives to CropProphet

Top Competitors & Alternatives to CropProphet

We collect data from four primary sources: weather stations, satellite imagery, soil testing and machine telematics.
We provide industry-leading weather solutions to a wide range of industries that value quality, customer service, and data accuracy. As a leader in technology, CustomWeather is well aware of the la...
We lead digitization and digital transformation in agriculture with digital services, sensors, satellites and other agricultural technologies.
Marcus Weather
Global Weather and Satellite data streams for the offset of weather based risk in the global commodities industry
APISCRAPY is an AI-driven web scraping & automation platform that converts any web data into ready-to-use data. The platform is capable to extract data from websites, process data, automate workflo...
Taranis is a data provider offering Map Data, Satellite Data, and Agricultural Data. They are headquartered in United States of America.
TerrAvion is a data provider offering Satellite Data and Agricultural Data. They are headquartered in United States of America.
Teralytic is a data provider offering Agricultural Data. They are headquartered in United States of America.
OneSoil is a data provider offering Satellite Data and Agricultural Data. They are headquartered in Belarus.

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Frequently asked questions about CropProphet’s alternatives & competitors

What’s the competitive advantage of CropProphet?

CropProphet quantifies the impact of weather on crops. Key differentiators include: 1) Weather based analytics based on 40 years of data. Satellite based yield forecasts are using data that is a lagging indicator of what the weather is causing the crop to do. 2) Having quantified the impact of weather on crop, we offer a weather forecast impacted crop yield forecast 3) Verification and accuracy - accuracy statistics are provided in the product interface. Transparency regarding model performance allows customers to better understand and trust the forecasts.

What are the best alternatives to CropProphet?

FarmersEdge, CustomWeather, Doktar, Marcus Weather, APISCRAPY, Taranis, TerrAvion, Teralytic, OneSoil, and Mercaris