Factori B2B Company Seach API:Company Identification Data product image in hero

Factori B2B Company Seach API:Company Identification Data

Start icon4.9(2)Badge iconVerified Data Provider
1 xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx
2 xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx
3 Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx
4 Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx
5 xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx xxxxxx
6 Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx
7 Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx Xxxxx
8 Xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxx
9 xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx
10 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx
... xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx
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Company ID's
Data Quality
Match Rate
Avail. Format

Data Dictionary

[Sample] Factori Company Search APIs Sample.csv
Attribute Type Example Mapping
Integer 10023
String Blueforce Inc.
String blueforceinc.com
Product Attributes
Attribute Type Example Mapping


Navigate the business landscape effortlessly with Factori's Company Search API. Find companies based on various criteria and gain valuable insights with ease.
Factori's Company Search API empowers users to navigate the business landscape effortlessly. Simply input search criteria such as industry, location, or other relevant parameters, and retrieve matching company IDs and names. Discover companies that meet your requirements, gain valuable insights, and make informed decisions. The API offers paginated results, standardized JSON responses, and robust error handling for a seamless user experience. Unleash valuable insights, identify key players, and stay ahead of the curve with Factori's Company Search AP


North America (1)
United States of America


1 years of historical data


60 million Company ID's


License Starts at
One-off purchase Not available
Monthly License Not available
Yearly License Not available
$0.03 / API Call

Suitable Company Sizes

Small Business
Medium-sized Business


Self-reported by the provider
Match Rate



Use Cases


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Frequently asked questions

What is Factori B2B Company Seach API:Company Identification Data?

Navigate the business landscape effortlessly with Factori’s Company Search API. Find companies based on various criteria and gain valuable insights with ease.

What is Factori B2B Company Seach API:Company Identification Data used for?

This product has 5 key use cases. Factori recommends using the data for Company Valuation, B2B Lead Retargeting, Company Analysis, B2B Data Enrichment, and B2B Advertising. Global businesses and organizations buy Business Listings Data from Factori to fuel their analytics and enrichment.

Who can use Factori B2B Company Seach API:Company Identification Data?

This product is best suited if you’re a Enterprise, Small Business, or Medium-sized Business looking for Business Listings Data. Get in touch with Factori to see what their data can do for your business and find out which integrations they provide.

How far back does the data in Factori B2B Company Seach API:Company Identification Data go?

This Data API has 1 years of historical coverage. It can be delivered on a real-time basis.

Which countries does Factori B2B Company Seach API:Company Identification Data cover?

This product includes data covering 1 country like USA. Factori is headquartered in United States of America.

How much does Factori B2B Company Seach API:Company Identification Data cost?

Pricing for Factori B2B Company Seach API:Company Identification Data starts at USD0.03 per API Call. Connect with Factori to get a quote and arrange custom pricing models based on your data requirements.

How can I get Factori B2B Company Seach API:Company Identification Data?

Businesses can buy Business Listings Data from Factori and get the data via REST API. Depending on your data requirements and subscription budget, Factori can deliver this product in .json format.

What is the data quality of Factori B2B Company Seach API:Company Identification Data?

Factori has reported that this product has the following quality and accuracy assurances: 95% Match Rate. You can compare and assess the data quality of Factori using Datarade’s data marketplace. Factori has received 2 reviews from clients. Factori appears on selected Datarade top lists ranking the best data providers, including 10 Best Data Providers for Customer Segmentation, Best Data Providers For Location-Based Marketing, and Top 10 POI Data Providers & APIs.

What are similar products to Factori B2B Company Seach API:Company Identification Data?

This Data API has 3 related products. These alternatives include Factori B2B Company Enrich API:Company Identification Company Id,LinkedIn URL,Address,Status and Contact Enrichment, Xtract.io Firmographic data Company data B2B data, and Coresignal Business Location Data Company Data Global / 69M+ Records / Largest Professional Network / Updated Daily. You can compare the best Business Listings Data providers and products via Datarade’s data marketplace and get the right data for your use case.

Starts at
$0.03 / API Call
License Starts at
One-off purchase Not available
Monthly License Not available
Yearly License Not available
$0.03 / API Call


Location Intelligence Made Simple

Verified provider icon Verified Provider
2h Avg. response time
100% Response rate

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